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Broadly Sports Dances Are Children

Что одеть ребенку на тренировку по спортивным бальным танцамIt's no secret for anyone that the child's training clothing depends on how convenient it will be for him to do all his sports dance and choreography.

The clothing of children on dance training should be convenient and practical, and it should not distract the child ' s attention during school.

The hair of girls in sports ball dance class should be careful. There's no need to use a lot of locks and spikes that can get out of the way in the training.

Also, Sports dances - It's a high-estate sport and art at the same time, the children should be dressed beautifully and carefully, even in training. This gives the child a careful and aesthetic approach to clothing for the future.

In sports dance classes, children are not allowed to wear gins, as well as short short shorts, colours and bright clothes.

Training clothing for sports bars:

ЧешкиStarting girls:

Colors or socks
Short skirt above the knee
Couple or blouse, golf
Cold (in cold year)
The hair is up.
It's black and white.

Starting boys:

Classic boxes
Golf or shirt
Cold (in cold year)
It's black and white.

The teacher will warn children of the need to prevent special dance shoes.

Training of children in choreography and rhythmic


Colors or socks
Cold (in cold year)


Socks, in the cold period of the year - braces

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