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Dancing Underneath

When, for various reasons, people studying abdomen dances move from school to school, they inevitably face the problem of terminology. In different schools, the same movements are referred to differently, and the man is confused because he doesn't understand what he wants. On 14 September 2002, an attempt was made to collect at least a part of the teachers and to agree on common terminology. Those recommendations were not the only possible terminology, and teachers could use their names.

General issues

This terminology is based on the geometry of the body movements and describes, as far as possible, the nature of the movement in three planes - horizontal (the figure shows green), vertical (the blue shown) and frontal (the pink shown). You may have disputes over which of the front planes we were based on the fact that the movement in this plane is frontal, not shifted to the left or right, but to the viewer.



Wolna, most teachers call it that.
Frontal - movement occurs on the frontal plane, there may be two directions: forward (or outward) - the hip movement in the profile draws a circle downwards (excited) the abdomen outside and back (or inside) - the round motion of the hips in the profile draws a circle downwards (sing)
lateral - moving in a vertical plane. Some teachers are called snakes

The circle is called most teachers.
Types of circles:
horizontal (moving occurs horizontally)
small - moving only the hip in an isolated hull, the legs together (Kasan called Turkish)
medium - thighs with maximum amplitude, the shell is isolated whenever possible;
Large inclination;
vertical (moving in a vertical plane)
usually small, left or right (clock or clockwise)

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